Tree Of Life/Chakras
CHAKRAS: Energy vortexes in the subtle body through which the life force moves, channeling the different aspects of this life force from non-physical energy sources into the physical body.
SEFIROT: The Tree of Life represents the Ten Sefirot, the Ten Divine Emanations which, according to Kabbalah ancient tradition, combined with the 22 Hebrew letters, are the template of all Creation.
The Chakras and the Sefirot can be correlated in our bodies by experiencing the 3rd, 5th & 6th Chakras as a pair of Sefirot representing two aspects which, balanced, create the healthy whole.

When our Chakras/Sefirot are fulfilling their function in a healthy way this creates a balanced microcosm of the Divine within ourselves and we are able to live a full and happy life.
We can use sound, particularly the voice, to activate, soothe or clear up these energy centers within ourselves, bring them into full function, and into alignment with each other and with our higher purpose.
Varied combinations of vowels with consonants can be used to energize the activating/balancing process, or we can intuitively let the voice take us where it wants to go.

Third Eye
Solar Plexus
Binah & Hokhmah
Gevurah & Hesed
Hod & Netzah
Root - groundedness, survival, stability, connection with the elements, honoring the physical and the Earth. Adrenals
Crown - path to higher realms, the cosmic mystery, transcending dimensions, honoring spiritual connectedness:
Pineal Gland
Sacral - desire, sexuality, pleasure, procreation, family, community, honoring the other and the creative: Gonads/Ovaries
Solar Plexus - will power, confidence, laughter, joy, honoring the self and the life force:
Digestive / Respiratory
Heart - love, compassion, tenderness, oneness, connection to and honoring all.
Thymus Gland
Third Eye - glimpses of higher wisdom bring understanding, intuitive intelligence, honoring the psychic.
Pituitary and Pineal Glands
Throat - expression, creativity, letting go, surrender to find one’s true voice, honoring communication:
Thyroid Gland